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Moving right along!

Well, as I mentioned before, I am now working on DVzine.org as part of my interactive media class. And I think it's actually going to WORK!
I spent about three hours tonight building a new TEST PAGE that implements my new page design using lots of PHP. (Check out the TABS!) I also had to build a new Cascading Style Sheet for the new layout. As if that wasn't enough, I also linked up all the old Archive Pages so you can keep track of how much work I HAVEN'T been getting done on the site in the last few months.
So now it's just a matter of implementing the new design all over the site, going through the backlog of suggested updates and then maybe some other little suprises. Anyways, the ball is rolling! Oh, and DVzine.org is one year old today! Viva La Dvorak!!!

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